Here’s a little treat for you, designer handbag lovers. Before you start getting dreamy over another Louis Vuitton replica handbag (or one of your authentic LV goodies in your closet), be reminded that there’s a rich fashion history behind the brand you love.
Founded in 1854, the Louis Vuitton label has been making luxury trunks and leather goods for decades worldwide now. You’ll be surprised to read some of these milestones and pieces of trivia:
- As you may have already noticed, the Speedy and Keepall look really alike! The only element that sets them apart is the grab bag handles of the Speedy.
- Speedy loyalist? The Speedy watch collection was released in 2005. Even stores that sell designer replica handbags carry this LV accessory line!
- Since 1977, the Paris and London LV stores alone were earning $10 million in sales every year.
- Louis Vuitton has a bag line for men. It’s called the Damier Graphite collection, released in 2008.
- The cherry blossom print on the classic brown monogram, perhaps one of the most successful LV releases ever, was designed by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami. It was only on a limited-edition run, but certain replica handbag stores still sell high-quality, almost 100% versions of it.
- It was Louis Vuitton’s son, George, and not the brand patriarch that design the iconic LV monogram.
- Contemprary designer Marc Jacobs (along with Stephen Sprouse) is the brain behind the Louis Vuitton Graffiti. The talented Mr. Jacobs also collaborated with Murakami to produce one of our personal favorites, the Multicolore, and designed LV’s first charm bracelet. Talk about a fruitful partnership with the brand!
- Louis Vuitton celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2004. It was the same year when its first global store opened in Shanghai, China.
- The largest LV store is in Champs-Élysées in Paris, France.
- You can enjoy Louis Vuitton handbags at a fraction of the cost. Choose a reliable replica handbag merchant online and enjoy a “bag-full” of possibilities for fashion!